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Junyuan Petroleum Group 2024 semi-annual work report meeting was held
, Sep 15, 2024


On July 22, the 2024 semi-annual Work Report of Junyuan Petroleum Group was held in Qingdao. Group Chairman Miao Guangfa and senior management, department heads and other more than 20 people attended the meeting.

The meeting comprehensively summarized the work in the first half of the year, analyzed the problems in production and operation management, and further clarified the work objectives in the second half of the year.

Cui Zhiyuan deeply analyzed the current policy environment of the private economy, and put forward clear planning suggestions and ardent expectations for future development.

Chairman Miao Guangfa profoundly elaborated on the group's development layout, business strategy and tough determination in the face of challenges, pointing out the direction for all employees of the Group and boosting morale

At the end of the meeting, Qi Chunxiao pointed out that the chairman's speech not only laid a solid foundation for the development of the second half of 2024, but also clarified the direction and ideas of development, which is a key guideline for the high-quality development of the group.

Everyone have said that they will further clarify their goals, cheer up their spirits, work hard, and make new and greater contributions to promoting the high-quality development of the group.

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